
    Application of problem-based learning combined with multi-disciplinary treatment based on flip class teaching method in the case teaching of heart failure

    • 摘要:
      目的 探讨基于问题的教学方法(problem-based learning, PBL)联合多学科诊疗(multi-disciplinary treatment, MDT)翻转课堂教学法在心力衰竭病例教学中的应用效果。
      方法 将60名临床医学专业五年制本科生随机分成两组,一组(对照组)采用传统PBL教学模式,另一组(试验组)采用“PBL联合MDT翻转课堂”教学模式。
      结果 “PBL联合MDT翻转课堂”教学模式组的学生成绩显著高于PBL教学模式组(P<0.05)。试验组超80%的学生认可“PBL联合MDT翻转课堂”的教学模式,认为该模式能够提升对临床实践的认识,有利于理论知识的理解掌握和自主学习。
      结论 将PBL联合MDT翻转课堂教学方式用于心力衰竭病例教学,不仅能够拓展学生对提升对临床实践的认识,还能激发学习兴趣,值得推广应用。


      AIM To explore the effects of the teaching method of problem-based learning combined with multi-disciplinary treatment based on flip class in the case teaching of heart failure.
      METHODS A total of 60 students (majoring in five-year clinical medicine) were divided randomly into experimental group (30 cases, PBL combined with MDT based on flip class) and control group (30 cases, conventional teaching method).
      RESULTS Both objective and subjective evaluation indexes in the experimental group were higher than those in the control group, with statistical significance (P<0.05).
      CONCLUSION The teaching method of PBL combined with MDT based on flip class not only improves teaching effectiveness, but also increases students’ interest in learning. It is worthy of application and popularization.


