
    Application progress of artificial intelligence in diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases

    • 摘要: 近年来我国心血管疾病(cardiovascular disease,CVD)发病率和死亡率仍然在不断增加,存在心血管疾病危险因素的人群数量巨大。尽管目前CVD的相关诊断技术在不断更新、方法在不断的增加,每种技术有其独特的诊断价值。然而,这些繁多的技术指标、复杂的临床信息,呈现出非线性的叠加特征;大量的检查将对患者造成严重的负担,同时还会导致临床医师由于认识与经验的限制对疾病诊断与治疗决策受到困惑。人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)的飞速发展为解决这一难题提供了新的思路,国内外通过训练AI模型在临床上进行数据处理与辅助诊断已取得了广泛进展。本文就目前AI与CVD诊断相关的研究发展进行综述,以期对临床工作者提供新的帮助。


      Abstract: The incidence and mortality rates of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in our country have continued to increase in recent years, with a vast population at risk due to various contributing factors. Despite continuous advancements in diagnostic technologies and the introduction of new methods, each technique has its unique diagnostic value. However, the plethora of technical indicators and complex clinical information present nonlinear overlapping characteristics. Extensive testing not only imposes a significant burden on patients but also causes confusion for clinicians in disease diagnosis and treatment decision-making due to limitations in understanding and experience. The rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers a new approach to addressing this challenge. Significant progress has been made both domestically and internationally in training AI models for data processing and assisting in clinical diagnosis. This article provides a comprehensive review of the current developments in AI and its application in CVD diagnosis, aiming to offer new insights to clinical practitioners.


