
    Visualization analysis of rheumatic heart disease research based on CiteSpace

    • 摘要:
      目的 对近五年风湿性心脏病(rheumatic heart disease, RHD)领域的相关文献进行检索,进一步探究国内外有关RHD的研究动态。
      方法 通过Web of Science 数据库平台检索“rheumatic heart disease”为主题文献资料,使用CiteSpace软件对纳入的文献从发表论文量、国家/地区、著者、刊物以及关键词等方面做出统计分析并绘制知识图谱。
      结果 在2019~2023年期间国内外发表关于RHD的SCI研究文献共计2273篇。发文作者逐渐形成以Emmy Okello、Karen Sliwa、Anna P Ralph等为核心的团队;西澳大学与埃默里大学是此领域发文量和中心性最高的机构;CIRCULATION、NEW ENGL JMED、LANCET是该领域影响力较高的参考期刊;高频关键词主要为“风险” “患病率” “发热” “心脏病” “管理” “青少年” “诊断” “心房纤颤”和“结局”等,反映出近五年RHD领域的研究热点主要集中在RHD的流行病学、临床诊断与预后方面;主要研究与以下疾病相关联:二尖瓣狭窄、A群链球菌感染、 心房纤维颤动、肺动脉高压、心肌纤维化、类风湿性关节炎;关键词突现分析结果显示,2020~2021年期间,RHD研究方向聚焦于“二尖瓣狭窄”“瓣膜成形术” “体质量指数” “分子拟态”等方面,而在2022~2023年期间,“心血管风险” “二尖瓣置换术” “坏死因子抑制剂” “T 细胞”和“免疫反应”等已成为新的基础和临床研究热点。
      结论 本研究为了解RHD提供了一个新视角,为我国RHD相关领域的研究提供理论借鉴和学术参考,对 RHD 的发展具有积极意义。


      AIM To explore the recent research trends of rheumatic heart disease (RHD) around the world in the recent 5 years.
      METHODS literatures of rheumatic heart disease published in the web of science core collection database were retrieved, and the published literatures were analyzed by CiteSpace software, including research institutions, authors, countries and key words, to draw the knowledge map.
      RESULTS Totally, 2273 SCI articles were obtained. The authors of the article, Emmy Okello, Karen Sliwa, and Anna P Ralph gradually formed a core team. University of Western Australia and Emory University were important institutions for the study of RHD. Circulation, New Engl J Med and Lancet were journals with higher influence in this field. key words were rheumatic heart disease, risk, prevalence, fever, heart disease, management, children, diagnosis, atrial fibrillation and outcom, etc. It reflected that research hotspots had mainly focused on the epidemiology, clinical diagnosis and prognosis of RHD in the past five years. The main research were associated with the following diseases: Mitral stenosis, group A streptococci, atrial fibrillation, pulmonary hypertension, myocardial fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis. During the period of 2022~2023, cardiovascular risk , mitral valve replacement, necrosis factor inhibitor, T cell and immune response had became new basic and clinical research hotspots.
      CONCLUSION The study provides a new perspective for understanding the RHD and provides a theoretical reference and academic reference for related research in China, and has positive significance for the development of RHD.


