
    Exploration and reflection on integration of curriculum ideological and political education into teaching of specialized courses of aerospace medicine

    • 摘要:
      目的 探索航空航天医学专业课堂思政的途径,提出适应课程思政内容的教学模式改进措施,为航空航天医学类专业课程思政有机融入课堂教学提供参考。
      方法 以空军军医大学2019与2020级五年制航空航天医学专业学员作为研究对象,以实践课“抗荷动作的学习与评价”为例探讨在航空航天生物动力学教学中开展课程思政的路径,课程结束后,以问卷调查、成绩分析等方式对教学思政效果进行评估。
      结果 学员普遍对本次授课的教学效果较为满意。与对照组相比,实验组对抗荷动作相关知识掌握情况较好,对学习内容展现出较高学习兴趣,情景演绎时试验组也表现出较高积极性。
      结论 思政有机融入课堂教学实施效果较好,具有进一步研究及推广的价值。


      AIM To probe into the ways of ideological and political education in the course of aviation and aerospace medicine, puts forward some improving measures for adapting the teaching mode of ideological and political education in the course and provide a reference for curriculum integration of ideological and political education into the course of aviation and aerospace medicine.
      METHODS Grade 2019 and 2020 five-year-program students majoring in aviation and aerospace medicine in the Air Force Medical University served as research subjects. The practical course “Learning and Evaluation of Anti-G Straining Maneuver” of Aerospace Biodynamics was taken as a research example, we explored the way to integrate the ideological and political education into the course and the effect of ideological and political education integration was evaluated by questionnaire and performance analysis.
      RESULTS Students were generally satisfied with the teaching effect of the course, and compared with students in the control group, the students in the experimental group had a better grasp of the relevant knowledge of anti-G straining maneuver and they also showed higher interest in learning content and higher enthusiasm in scenario interpretation.
      CONCLUSION Integration of curriculum ideological and political education into the specialized course achieves good effect and has the value of further research and popularization.


